外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
about us oticon is part of the william demant holding group, a danish owned company with more than 5,000 employees worldwide and revenues totaling jpy 100 billion. oticon's products are distributed in more than 100 countries, and 95% of group revenues are generated outside denmark. we have more than 100 years of experience in the hearing aid business, and today the william demant group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of hearing aids. we have secured this position by being experimental, creative and effective in finding new solutions. and we work together towards a common goal: to provide people who wish to improve their hearing with the best solutions. oticon始建于1904年,总部设在丹麦首都哥本哈根,是具有百年悠久历史的跨国专业听力集团,在全球拥有50多家子公司以及近90家***的独家代理商。产品从医疗诊断仪器、辅助听力设备、调频语训系统、个人通讯设备到计算机软件等,涵盖整个听力学领域。作为全球听力行业的领导者,奥迪康获得众多国际大奖,产品质量上乘获得业界人士及全球用户的一致好评。奥迪康秉承以人为本的企业文化,致力于研发更多革新技术和有效的听力解决方案,与全球听力专业人士及最终用户分享知识与经验。 欢迎访问奥迪康中国网站:http://www.oticon.com.cn/